Guitar Master Class: Free 40 Techniques Solo Lesson
(This giveaway is now closed… The 3 lucky winners have now been emailed. Thanks to all the participants.)
It’s the first weekend of June
and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the work that needs to be done around the house. There’s enough yard-work, cleaning, painting, repairing and all round fine tuning to keep me busy the entire summer… Oh, and my golden retriever Lucille doesn’t smell too great either.
So what am I doing to tackle some of these arduous tasks? Well… Actually at the moment I’m messing around on this really cool website called Guitar Master Class. This site provides cleaver online guitar lessons utilizing videos, sound, and tablature files. It also features some very creative playing and an active community of avid guitar fanatics of all skill levels…
Guitar Master Class
Now, I’m not a guitar player, (albeit sometimes I pretend to be when no one’s looking) but Guitar Master Class really beckoned me to grab my cheap old party guitar that’s been hanging around untouched for the last 3 years. After a bit of dusting and some serious tuning I was ready to explore…
I skimmed through a lesson that captured my interest called Blues Intro. This is by the same instructor Sinisa Cekic that you see on GMC’s new free-for-all lesson called 40 Techniques-Solo – which is featured in the video above. I stopped by one of the live instructional video chat rooms with Alex Feather and also checked out some of the playing at the extremely advanced and insane level, just out of curiosity.
Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “Isn’t my wife (aka TBBW) going to be surprised when she discovers just how much work is getting done around the house?…”
(sigh) Anyways…
Each lesson is separated into small parts, with the first video giving you a solid idea of what it should sound like when you put it all together. Even if you don’t become a member you’ll still be able to view a couple of the videos in each lesson, which for many of you will be sufficient. Of course as a paying member, you’ll get access to all the lessons as well as additional notes and tablature and a whole host of other benefits such as: Lick of the Day Archives, Instructor Feedback, and ways to collaborate by joining virtual bands or participate in online performances.
GMC is a very friendly and enthusiastic community. I found it difficult to pull myself away as there were so many things to do and explore. They have a wide range of options, styles and lessons are rated in difficulty level from 1-9. There’s enough material here to keep a guitar lover enthralled all summer long… With a little practice and patience you’ll be putting the pieces together and sounding really sweet in no time…
Speaking of time that reminds me, I better put the guitar aside and do something productive around the house. Perhaps I’ll give my dog Lucille a bath as she’s starting to smell like a catfish… But I’ll be back to continue my blues lessons and perhaps a few other instructional videos I may discover as I continue to search through the site further.
But Before I Go…
Do You Want The Opportunity To Win a 1 Year Subscription Courtesy of Guitar Master Class?
The Rules Are Simple
First you MUST send me a brief email letting me know you want to be entered into the draw. This will give you the FIRST AND REQUIRED ENTRY in to the draw. (I just want to ensure that the chosen winner is somebody who’s really interested in using this wonderful resource, and therefore gets a better chance of winning.)
- On the form below put your name, email address and copy this in the subject line –> Guitar Master Class Draw Entry
That’s it… The body of the email can be left blank. Or you can add additional comments if you like.
Guitar Master Class Giveaway Bonus Entries:
Because people like more chances to win and are comfortable in different settings, I’ve given (4) ADDITIONAL ways to add entries in order to increase your odds of winning.
1) Subscribe to my e-mail list at the top of the page where it says “Updates by Email.” Enter your email address and press click here. When you submit the form, you will receive a verification message in your email in-box. Once you respond to this message you are subscribed. That’s all! I promise no spam and you can always unsubscribe at anytime. (All current Blues Blogger subscribers who complete the FIRST AND REQUIRED ENTRY above will automatically have 2 entries.)
2) On Twitter copy and paste the following text: ReTweet for bonus entry @thebluesblogger #GuitarMasterClass #Giveaway. Click link for details –
3) Go to my Facebook Page and like the relevant Guitar Master Class post on the page.
4) As an extra added bonus, if you make a valid comment on this post which positively contributes to the subject matter, I’ll put an additional ballot in the draw to increase your chances of winning.
If you do all of the above it will give you a total of 5 entries into the giveaway… You have absolutely nothing to lose, and a terrific guitar resource to gain…
This random prize giveaway will end June 30th, 2012 at 11:00 pm eastern time in the U.S. When the winners are notified, they’ll have 24 hours to respond or a new name will be drawn.
So now as usual I turn this post over to you… Are you familiar or have you had the opportunity to explore the wide range of resources available on Guitar Master Class? Did you enter into the free draw for a 1 year subscription yet? If not, and you love playing guitar you’re really missing an extremely entertaining and friendly community of guitar enthusiasts. Make sure you check it out and please leave your comments in the area below. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this post.
And good luck to all the potential winners of The Guitar Masterclass Giveaway.
I would love the opportunity to receive a years lessons on Guitar Master Class. I once played professionally about thirty years ago, quit for the usual reasons, have always regretted it and am now finally trying to find some chops again. I guarantee the lessons would be put to good use, just to get a geezer playing again.
Best regards,
Thank you for the opportunity. I’d love to win this and continue improving upon my guitar skills. This is great! Thanks, dudes!
I’m really enthusiast for this giveaway ! I’m gonna start a band this summer and feel like I need to get to the next level in blues … This would be perfect for me 🙂 Thanks man!
You actually produced a handful of outstanding points in ur blog
post, “Guitar Master Class: Review & Giveaway | The Blues Blogger”.
I am going to wind up coming to ur page eventually.
Thanks -Mildred